Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Polls Show America Could Go Either Way on Obama in 2012

Even though we are too far away from the 2012 election for polls to be worth a crap, Americans polled after two years of an Obama presidency, show they are clearly split on voting for him again. 

Those surveyed by media outlets of other than Fox News, surprisingly showed only a 51% positive response as to whether President Obama deserved a second term.

The results were largely similar to a poll posted a year ago, and poll results from surveys conducted when Obama was just a glimmer in his father’s eye.  Future poll results are likely to be similar and serve as no predictor of the outcome of the 2012 election as well.  But that will not stop polling agencies from conducting polls. 

Among the list of likely Republican contenders, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee had the lead at 21%, but only among people who do not believe in dinosaurs, former fatties/recovering Hush Puppy addicts, and fans of another puppy, the Hanna-Barbera cartoon, “Huckleberry Hound.”

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin came in second in the poll at 19%, but primarily among those voters who were solely interested in fantasizing about what it would be like to bang her in the Lincoln Bedroom, provided they could get Tracy Morgan’s comments about banging her out of their heads.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney came in at 19%, but only among voters who are fans of sketchy religions made up by criminals, and those who approve of tying their pets to the roofs of their cars while on vacation.

Among adulterous, draft-dodging, corporate shill voters, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich earned a respectable 10%.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul garnered 7%, but only among voters who forgot that he sired Rand Paul.

15 comments so far :

Huckleberry Hound said...

I am not voting for Huckabee, just thought you should know that.

Scarecrow said...

If there was a straw poll, I would vote for straw

Nonny Mouse said...

I'm not sure if I will vote for Obama. He has betrayed many Democratic party principles (like continuing to spy on Americans). But I'd vote for any cast member of the Munsters before I'd vote for any of the grotesque menagerie of know-nothings, fanatics, and shrill hatemongers that today's Republican party has become. Off with their heads! Lock and load!

Feldman said...

Sarah Palin would have gotten twenty percent but she forgot to sign her own poll submission.

Rahm A. Manul said...

I want the religious fanatacism of Huckabee and the dashing good looks of Romney. I'm voting for Romnabee!

Sarah P. said...

Is this where I vote for myself? Cause I do, you betcha!

Bland Paul said...

You are all in my power. Aquabuddha, Aquajesus, and Aquamoses command you to vote for my father Ron!

Geo. Dubya said...

I vote for me, heh he he

Mr. Ed said...

Straw polls make me hungry for some reason. Wh-i-i-i-i-i-i-llllb-u-u-u-u-u-r!!

Smeldman said...

I agree with Feldman

Huckleberry Hound said...

I WOULD vote for a nice slice of Huckleberry pie! For me, and right now, please!

Sarah P. said...

How do I get out of here? I'm lost! Where am I? I'm hungry!

Karl Shove said...

My plot to stoopidize the Republican party has succeeded. Moo Hoo Ha Ha!!!

Adolf said...

Ich bin Ein Republicanisch!

Mr. Gallup said...

100% of poll recipients said they liked to take polls.

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