Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Miley Cyrus Admits Salvia Was a Mistake

Former Disney sensation and current exhibitionist pop star Miley Cyrus says she made a HUGE mistake getting caught on camera smoking salvia last November.

A pal of hers told Unsolicited Drivel, “Miley knows she made a mistake.  Not by being caught on camera, but by being caught on camera smoking salvia.  She’s very disappointed in herself for sending a message that it’s okay to smoke a drug that’s legal, but even so, still probably makes the user feeling like they are going to be impaled by their own unicorn while they are riding it over a double rainbow, only to be sucked into a hell mouth where the pot of gold’s supposed to be at the rainbow’s end.  She’s not perfect, and she makes mistakes.  Looking back on it, she wished she had smoked marijuana instead because it would have slowed down her speech to a near human level so she could be almost comprehensible.   And if her fans took up the pot habit as well, they would never notice that if Miley spoke normally while high whenever she is interviewed to promote her age inappropriate projects, that she pretty much only has the words 'like' and 'you know' in her entire homeschooled vocabulary."

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