Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tracy Morgan is Not Out to Gain Any Female Fans

New York – “30 Rock” star and constant philosopher Tracy Morgan recently expressed an opinion about Charlie Sheen that isn’t likely to add to his female fan base.

The alleged comedian had plenty to say about the former sitcom star in a recent interview with the AOL site PopEater telling them, “Charlie Sheen ain't funny to me.  I think that's a train wreck and I feel bad for his two little kids because they're the bodies being pulled out of the train wreck.”

Morgan went on further with some additional nonsensical ramblings about how Sheen should have had his kids when Tracy did, right out of diapers, so they would have more in common. 

We reached out to a feminist group, Women Hating All Misogynists (W.H.A.M.) for comment and their spokesperson told us, “I’m sure America is incredibly grateful that Tracy could take time out of his busy schedule from jerking off to images of Sarah Palin, telling Donald Trump to ‘F-off,’ spending quality time with his stripper girlfriend and murdering the English language to advocate teen pregnancy.  However, he got Charlie’s history all wrong.  Sheen actually did bang and impregnate someone when he was a teenager.  And in addition to his adult child who he could smoke crack with should he be so inclined, Charlie has FOUR little kids - two boys with Brooke Mueller, and two girls with Denise Richards.  So, based upon his previous comments in the press,  I'm assuming that Tracy only counts the 2-year old boys as being worthy of his concern.  The only other explanation I can accept for his omission of the older girls would be that he simply hasn’t gotten around to masturbating to a picture of Denise yet.”

1 comments so far :

Bette said...

He should sympathise with Charlie instead, seeing how they both have being unfunny in common.

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