Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Are You Doing With Your Poison Cucumbers?

It’s that time again - time for a common, seemingly harmless food item to be contaminated with poo.  AGAIN. Officials asleep at the wheel in the food safety industry are reporting that this time it’s killer cucumbers. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they are nearly devoid of nutritional value, now they are blowing up unsuspecting peoples’ colons!

One doesn’t typically cook a cucumber to kill bacteria, so what’s an unfortunate person supposed to do with the diseased veggies if they are stuck with them? We asked the people of Europe, where the E. coli outbreak seems to be the worst, for some creative ideas on what to do with their killer cukes and here is what they have planned:

2 comments so far :

Milty Tilty said...

They make great marital aids!

Milty Tilty said...

Plus there's no e-coli worry in that particular use

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