Tampa, FL – Pride of Iowa and the highest bidder in its straw poll, Rep. Michele Bachmann, went after Texas Governor Rick Perry in the Tea Party sponsored GOP debate last night with a loaded syringe, insisting Jesus would never have vaccinated anyone for HPV.
Perry came under fire from all of the GOP candidates (who are starting to make the idea of a reanimated corpse of Richard Nixon look good for 2012) over his mandate for all Texas adolescent girls to be vaccinated to protect against cervical cancer and to load his campaign war chest with money from Merck Pharmaceuticals.
Being very careful not to imply she actually believes in a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body, Bachmann claimed that Jesus, the same Jesus who told her to run for President, would never have insisted on vaccinating for a virus that was caused by promiscuity*. She concluded Jesus believed in abstinence and she believed Jesus had never even gotten busy with anyone himself, and six grade girls shouldn’t be getting busy until it was time to submit to their husbands after junior high. Bachmann also insisted that Perry stood to gain financially from the mandate of the drug by lining his pockets with much more money than she’d been able to line her own pockets with courtesy of the Federal Government. In conclusion, she stomped her foot, turned and exited stage left to have her husband Marcus fluff her hair. Marcus also gave Michele credit for not pointing out to America what is painfully obvious - Jesus hates Rick Perry and sent fire to Texas when Perry prayed for rain.
Perry insisted between more smirks and 'Yippe ki yays' than in the last debate (at least until Jeb Bush throws his Stetson into the race) that he only ever received a $5,000 campaign contribution from Merck and that if Bachmann believed that he could be bought for such a piddling amount, the little lady really needed to take a refresher course on the concept of “crony capitalism." And in concluding his defense, Perry let out a "Yee Haw!”
*It’s in the Bible. See for yourself.
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I am not a corpse!
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