Sunday, February 14, 2010

A DICK for Your Valentine’s Day

Washington, DC - We were amazed for 8 years when this country took security advice from someone who came off as a complete coward. We continue to be amazed that anyone still wants to hear what the coward has to say. Vice President Joe Biden and former Vice President DICK Cheney were hurling slings and arrows at each other on the talking bonehead TV hours out of Washington today.  Cheney insists that Obama doesn’t take the al-Qaida threat seriously. This assessment coming from a man whose administration received a memo a full month before 911™ stating, “Bin Laden determined to attack,” yet didn’t see the planes coming on that fateful Tuesday? But more likely, is he just implying that Obama is missing out on all the really cool opportunities for torture and warrant-less wire-tapping?!?  DICK’s also now okay with the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.  Of course he is!  It’s a volunteer army with numbers dwindling and rich white boys will never be drafted.  So, as TV viewers are held captive by this coward’s tirades, we never get tired of any opportunity point out what DICK was up to as a strapping young man (back before he was likely to have angioplasties more often than most people get their oil changed), and he could have really been of service to his country’s security as opposed holding his country hostage in fear: 

Long, long ago before DICK became an instant media darling in Gulf War Part One…

DICK was flunking out of Yale, and he was even gracious enough to do it more than once to ensure his future boss could feel somewhat superior.

DICK later went to work in Rock Springs, Wyoming between college failures, stringing electrical wires as a groundsman, thus laying own groundwork for his own future in pulling of all strings in the energy industry.

In the summer of ’63, DICK was busted for drunk driving - a second time. No doubt this was once again DICK just being courteous and making an effort to make future bosses feel more comfortable about themselves. History’s kind of a little bit blurry after the drunk driving busts, but later…

In 1969 DICK went to work in Washington, DC to serve as a special assistant to Donald Rumsfeld (Yes, the same exact one!) in the Office of Economic Opportunity in the Nixon administration thus, finally finding his true path to guarantee that all of his future opportunities would be, in fact,  “economic.”

And that’s what he was doing when he could have been fighting against the Communists and protecting the free world – which is not something a person can accomplish by snarling in a TV studio.  Yawn.

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