Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bunning’s Bye Bye Gift

Washington, DC – Have you ever noticed how once a coworker gives notice they are leaving a job, they start to mail in their daily performance?  Well, some co-workers do that via letter bomb!  Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY), who will retire at the end of his term after receiving no support from fellow Republican Senator Mitch McConnell and other top party officials, has decided to go out in style leaving Americans with some lovely parting gifts.  Yes, he's another GOP "Abominable No Man." Things got a little heated with reporters yesterday after Bunning voted to block a month-long extension to unemployment benefits and subsidized health insurance government for employees. The Senate was also thrown into political gridlock due to his objections that cleared the way for a meltdown of the Medicare system.  Who's going to pay for that?   Bunning, not known to mince words, was even overheard in a previous session on the same debate on the floor cursing “tough shit,” under his breath.  One lawmaker remarked, “that was kind of rare for a senator to curse in the chamber and sort of caught me by surprise.  It will still never beat that time in ’04 when Cheney told Partrick Leahy to ‘go f*&% yourself’ though.” Senator Jay Rockefeller (D. WVa) remarked, "You've got to be pretty mad about something to stop the extension of unemployment insurance.”  Although, we are guessing his constituents will be angry too when they figure out that this vote of Bunning’s will also turn off televisions for at least a million households over the switch to digital TV.  Bedridden seniors who can’t find doctors to treat them because of the docs being forced to take a 21% pay cut will particularly find that no TV thing to suck.

1 comments so far :

Anonymous said...

Yes, but he raises a valid point: How are we going to pay for it? While I disagree with his blocking of this vote, I agree with the reasoning behind it. How much longer are we going to continue to spend and add to the $5 trillion national debt? If you're going to add new spending, you have to cut spending elsewhere. Like I said, I don't agree with his tactics, but maybe he's been around long enough that he's had enough - and is cranky about it to boot! Now that he doesn't have to worry about re-election, he can say what he really believes.

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