Once upon a time, long before elections were overshadowed by issues like: who was rich enough to have daddy pull strings to avoid military service and who wasn’t; who served in the military, yet questioned authority and who didn’t; who was a "baby killer" and who wasn’t; who considered stem cells to be a human being and who didn’t; what color a candidate’s skin was or wasn't, and how much Photoshop would be needed to make a candidate look the best in “Joker” style make-up and most likely cause Heath Ledger to roll in his grave – in a Capitalist society (yes, we still are), an election used to be about the economy. And, it will be once again, giving us a chance once again, to call politicians stupid. Like that ever gets old? Republicans believe that their fight against reforming the health care system will lead them to a triumph in this fall’s mid-term elections, but experts say that polls show that strategy will not be a concern to voters who have been living on recipes courtesy of the “Depression Era Cooking Lady” on Youtube, due the recession that their policies created. And, morphing into Scott Brown is no longer an attractive option and we can’t save the economy without job creation. They can speculate all they want about what will happen at the polls, but we asked some voters what they were really thinking.
“I’ve been unemployed and prayed upon by unscrupulous recruiters for a year and a half. They’re lucky I don’t show up an chain myself to the Capitol building just to avoid reading another bogus employment ad on Craig’s List.”
"I don’t want to hear any crap about the candidates trying to appeal to ‘Nascar Dads’ in this election. It’s time to get back to appealing to issues that affect the moms, as they are the ones who are really running this country. Just look at Nancy Pelosi."
"It doesn’t matter to me what those out of touch nimrods campaign on, because I’m suing the thong off of Lady Gaga for stealing my idea for the “Telephone” video and I'll be rich for life.”
“Still hoping they don’t bankrupt Social Security and it will be there for me when and if I get to that point. Otherwise, Homeland Security will be taking a personal interest in my future.”
"If the Republicans believe their fighting health care reform just for the sake of partisanship fighting is a winning strategy for next fall, I think the joke will be on them."
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