Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mary Ann or Ginger? The Debate to Continue!

Variety is reporting that Hollywood has green-lit a big screen version of the 60s television favorite, “Gilligan’s Island.”  In case you are from the planet Mars, the show followed the misadventures of seven people who had boarded the S.S. Minnow for a 3-hour tour, only to be stranded by a shipwreck.  Hopefully, this new version will answer many questions that viewers have been wondering about over the years, such as:

  • Why did the Howell’s pack their entire wardrobes for a 3-hour boat trip?
  • If the professor can make a radio out of a coconut, why couldn’t he build a boat?
  • What did the nickname “Little Buddy” really mean?

…and many, many more!  This reminds us of a hysterical conversation we overheard in a bar years ago.  Two guys were debating which was better - “Gilligan’s Island” or “The Beverly Hillbillies.”  It seemed the hillbillies were leading due to the castaway’s inability to get off of the island. The one dude offered, “Russian cosmonauts can land on the island, come and go, and they can’t get off.  President Nixon couldn’t get those people off that island!”  Casting news has yet to be released, but there is a rumor floating around that Michael Cera may be in contention for the title role as the fine folks from “Arrested Development” are involved in the project.

Here’s our dream cast though:

Gilligan: Conan O’Brien
Skipper: Jack Black
Mr. & Mrs. Howell: Speidi
Ginger: Lindsay Lohan (Hey, she really needs the work!)
Mary Ann: Megan Fox
Professor: Anderson Cooper

Okay, maybe some of those wouldn’t work, and there probably wouldn’t be room for two ginges on one island, but what do you think?!?

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