Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Three’s Company?

Someone asked me the other day what my process is for choosing stories to write about.  I can’t really explain that, but I did remark, “well, it shouldn’t be like shooting fish in a barrel.”  Yet, here we go again - kind of hard not to circle with your dart gun when the fish is goodtime Charlie Sheen.  Sources are reporting that a mystery woman is about to come forward to claim that she slept with both Charlie Sheen and his wife, Brooke Mueller,  in drug fueled naughty-naughty fests.   This news is supposed to be a “bombshell.”  Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody found those two in waterbed with an Orca.  It wouldn’t surprise me either to hear they have slept with all of Tiger’s mistresses, Bigfoot and the mummified remains of the Tutankhamun too. The only thing odd about their story is how Hollywood and TV viewers continue to give Charlie a get out of jail free pass.  Maybe jail time will finally become a reality, but if not, those two are about the only couple I’d like see get their own reality TV show.  No doubt it would make  Denise Richards' and the Kardashians' shows seem like “Masterpiece Theater.” 

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