Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Yeah, This Ad Will Totally Last

It’s already been quite the week for speculation about Barack Obama’s health habits. First, internet hack* Matt Drudge was regurgitating about President Obama’s recent doctor check-up as if he was specifically told to cut back on his drinking.  Anyone can Google the recommendations to find out what was exactly said by the doctor, but Matt was nice enough to summarize it for us with just that one bullet point. Like none of us has ever heard that advice before?  George W. Bush did more damage to this country sober (Google the term “dry drunk” too while you're at it.) than any beer-swilling president ever has.   Laughable. And real media outlets are actually still reporting on this too. Of course, Obama was also instructed to quit smoking, but quite frankly, if we had to deal with the constant bickering of butt-heads non-stop, all day every day the way he has to, we’d be smoking the entire south lawn.  Now, this political activist group in California seems to think that he is!  TMZ is reporting about this marijuana activist group who’s hoping that Obama will be the chosen one to end the raids on medical marijuana dispensaries.  If our government could make high-fructose corn syrup out of Mary Jane, the point would be moot.

*Takes one to know one, kids!

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