Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Limbaugh Also Told To Be Fruitful and Multiply...But Not in Those Words

In a soon to be released biography of the Bilious Blowhard Rush Limbaugh, the author of the book reports that Limbaugh once invited Barack Obama to play a round of golf. When the president was informed of the invitation, he laughed it off, saying as far as he was concerned, the Vacuous Vocalizer could "go play with himself."

The Oinkerish Orator then asked the president what he should do with a chocolate likeness he was given of Obama and was told "eat me."

In a follow-up e-mail the Lardy Lord of the Lowlifes complained that he did not appreciate the dark donkey which the president had delivered to his mansion, asking the president what he should do with it, to which Obama replied "kiss my b**** ass!"

The Ginormous Jibberer could not be reached for a hate-filled comment.

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