Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No More Doody Jokes from Cutie

Comedy Central has canceled “The Sarah Silverman Program” despite a Twitter campaign to save it after 3 seasons. The comedienne, currently on tour to promote her autobiography, “The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption and Pee,” could not be reached for comment.

One executive at Comedy Central who asked not to be identified offered, “Her stand-up was great. Although, it was funnier when the audience had to force a picture into their minds of her having sex with Jimmy Kimmel. But despite the publicity garnered due to her scatological humor, ‘The Sarah Silverman Program’ never really caught on and gained solid ratings. The show was not particularly story-driven. Even comedy has to have some roots in reality, so it was never really believable that her sister or her friends wouldn’t want to beat the living daylights out of her character every time she opened her mouth. This is Comedy Central, and we’re not about class, but if audiences weren’t particularly interested in seeing what she discovered coming out of her dog’s ass on our network every week, it ain’t going to happen for her anywhere on TV.”

1 comments so far :

Lord Fartleroy said...

Jolly good show, sorry it's cancelled

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