Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hawaii Still Safe for Rational Humans to Vacation In

Honolulu – Move over southwest, Hawaii can now be the destination for mentally sound, forward-thinking Americans to vacation. 

It was always an island paradise, but now it’s a thinking person’s paradise, as the Hawaii state government has signed a bill allowing state agencies to ignore repeated requests for copies of President Obama’s birth certificate. 

The law, clearly aimed at “birthers,” was signed by Republican Governor Linda Lingle on Wednesday, and leaves it to government workers’ discretion to decide if a request is a duplicate, or too similar to a previous request to warrant them stopping doing actual important work to comply.

As we all know, the U.S. Constitution requires that anyone who runs for President be born on U.S. soil.  For those of you who don’t know, the “birthers” believe that because Obama has an unusual name, that’s all the proof they need that he is NOT American, but the voices in their head tell them they probably need a piece of paper to prove it too.    So, don’t go getting any bright ideas about naming your next daughter “Kenya” Smith if you want her to have any political aspirations here. 

Governor Lingle didn't share her reasoning for signing the bill, but one state official told us, “the Governor’s seen the vital records as proof of Obama’s citizenship, yet we still receive repeated requests for it weekly.  Remember Eisntein’s definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?  Ironically, so far we have only heard protest complaints  about the law from groups that advocate for freedom of information and not from those who protect the rights of the mentally challenged.”

SPECIAL NOTE: We are planning on attending the “Mother of All Birther Rallies,” on Saturday, May 29th.  Don’t forget to join us as a Facebook Friend to make sure you are always immediately in on the lunacy. – Laurie B.

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