Friday, June 4, 2010

Captain America vs. Richie Rich?

If, like me, your eyes glaze over when someone starts talking about "Credit Default Swaps," or "Derivitives," or really, anything to do with the financial crisis and the bank bailouts, then this is the thing for you - a comic book which explains the whole thing!

From authors Seth Tobocman, Jess Wehrle and Eric Laursen, "Understanding the Crash" explains the story in easy-to-understand pictures, from the housing collapse (picture of a boarded up house) to the evil people who made it happen (bankers with shark heads).  

I learned through this story that the housing market became a casino, with Americans as the gamblers, the banks as the dealers. The book explains this in a way I can actually understand: by showing a bunch of Americans at a casino, with bankers acting as roulette-wheel spinners. Yay - comprehension! Oh, by the way, the "house" is Wall Street, and of course, the house always wins.

2 comments so far :

Milty Tilty said...

Is Spider-man the bouncer? Are Betty and Veronica serving the drinks? I wanna kno

Laurie B. said...

Spider-man needs career counseling. Doesn't he know print media is dying?

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