We've been watching with a mixture of horror and also comic detachment the increasing controversy in South Carolina, where State Democratic Senator candidate Alvin Greene won his party's primary despite a few handicaps, such as: he didn't campaign (no ads on TV or print, no rallies, no headquarters), nobody ever heard of him (or even knew he was running before he won the election), he's out of a job and broke (but managed to come up with the $10,000 filing fee which he paid at the last possible minute). Oh, and did we mention he's under indictment for an obscenity charge for showing pornographic materials to a teenager? Well, as it turns out, none of that mattered. Greene won 44 out of 46 districts, doing so well in some cases that he received more votes than were actually cast!
We held a séance and asked the Spectre of Dead President Richard M. Nixon what he thought of all of this and he said "Oooooohh" and "Aaaaah" so we stopped that séance and instead called Karl Rove, known living dirty trickster who told UD "Well, I think the Democrats should give their nominee a chance to ah, run, um, against the Republican Jim DeMint, yeah, that's right, I had absolutely nuttin' to do wid it!"
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