Washington, DC – Deep in the heart of a Texan there’s an apology, y’all. That apology came from GOP Congressman Joe Barton to BP CEO Tony Hayward this morning.
Barton apologized to the murderers of sea life and the way of life in the Gulf of Mexico because he felt that the Obama administration’s request for a $20 billion escrow account to cover damages was an assault on the way of life of big oil executives!?! Sorry, boys – no bonuses this year! WTF?
What part of BP having over seven hundred safety violations in the last 3 years to Exxon Mobil’s one violation does Barton not understand? Yes, Exxon Mobil! The same people who are probably responsible for Sarah Palin’s brain damage are safer than BP.
Barton said, "I'm only speaking for myself. I'm not speaking for anyone else, but I apologize. I do not want to live in a county where anytime a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, [it is] subject to some sort of political pressure that, again, in my words, amounts to a shakedown."
Well, all we can say is then don’t let the door hit you on your way out to Costa Rica with Rush.
So here’s where we get to the “soap box” part –aren’t the GOP the same group of people who deregulated these industries to let them go all willy-nilly ignoring safety regulations to increase profits to provide kick-backs to Republicans all so that they can line their own pockets, but certainly not the pockets of the conservative religious Americans they constantly dupe into voting for them and therefore…share RESPONSIBILITY for this disaster? Sure ‘nuff. Karma sure is a bitch, y’all.
Barton has since retracted the apology, but cannot likely do anything about his being a complete dick regardless.
2 comments so far :
What does it say about the degraded state of our country that this jerk could even feel free to say what he said in the first place. I read somewhere that this was a Republican talking point that he was the first one to express. In any event, they've realized it's not a winner for them.
Boil him in oil!
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