Friday, November 19, 2010

British Citizens React to Royal Engagement

Jolly ‘Ole England – Prince William and Kate Middleton’s engagement announcement via Facebook and Twitter may indicate that the royal couple is headed down a more modern, less traditional path than Prince Charles and Princess Diana did for their wedding.

Although it may not be the most traditional royal wedding, in keeping with a centuries old tradition, British taxpayers will still be footing the bill during one of the worst economies in their nation’s history. While we may have no one who can compare to a royal in the U.S. that we are waiting on to wed (but we’d probably settle for Jennifer Aniston), we are still guessing that Americans, in an even worse economy, would be extremely bitter footing the bill for such an occasion – particularly if that’s what John Boehner or Sarah Palin told us to think about it.

Unsolicited Drivel caught up with some chaps across the pond to see if there were any hard feelings about the upcoming nuptials.

“Quite the contrary! I was thrilled to hear that William has finally popped the question to Kate as I have been waiting to bid on drafting the prenup for nearly nine years.”

“I have heard that William is a lousy cook. Like they say, the way to a man’s heart is always through his stomach, so perhaps I’ll send Kate my recipe for Spotted Dick straight away. Every royal could use a spot of dick.”

“I’m not at all good with footing the bill considering my financial situation. The only thing that would make me feel good about it is if Sasha Baron Cohen developed a new character to crash the wedding and I get to see it on Graham Norton!"

“He’s marrying Kate Moss? Brilliant!”

“Well, they say Kate’s going to choose a British designer for her gown. Alexander McQueen has passed, so that leaves…let me guess um, duh - Vivienne Westwood or Stella McCartney? Whatever. All I care about is that the media beat comparisons of Kate and Diana into my head until I start to give a rat’s hairy arse about them. They once both wore teal on separate occasions! Blimey, can you actually believe it?!?  Teal!”

“Who’s the f#!k is Prince William?”

1 comments so far :

The Statue of Puberty said...

It is not possible to care about billionaires

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