Los Angeles – As the impending custody battle between Oscar winner and possibly America’s hottest chick, Halle Berry, and her baby daddy, Gabriel Aubrey, turns very nasty, Berry’s male fans are starting to become gravely concerned.
Unsolicited Drivel caught up with one nervous fan outside of a video store and here is what he had to say:
“You see this? It’s a copy of that weepy movie she made ‘Losing Isaiah.’ You think I would watch that shit if I didn’t suddenly feel the need to be INCREDIBLY sympathetic to her custody issues? She’s coming off in the press as a stark raving bitch with her accusations. I’ve never heard a peep out of the model guy who’s the baby daddy and usually somebody that good looking is stupid, not mean and racist like she’s alleging. The dude supposedly has some seriously nasty emails Halle wrote too. Do you know how many American men think of Halle Berry as their ideal babe? How else could we turn a blind eye her failed relationships for years, simply excusing them with the notion that she hadn’t found the right guy yet - translation: us? I don’t want to find out that those guys dumping her MADE SENSE! Not after the orange bikini! If she’s really that crazy, we men are going to have to form a support group to deal with our disbelief - kind of like those Holocaust deniers. Oh man! Speaking of deniers, I just got a hinky feeling we’re going to find out that Halle's tirades make Mel Gibson’s seem tame.”
1 comments so far :
I used to be one of her issues, but I left. Wayyy too crazy, even for me.
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