Thursday, April 14, 2011

Angelina Jolie to Thwart Arizona Governor Brewer’s Evil White Power Plot?

Hollywood golden couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt took time out this week from not getting married to fuel rumors that they are adopting a seventh child.  Jolie was seen sporting a new tattoo supposedly of the line of coordinates of the child’s birth and pals say that they have wanted to adopt from Latin America for some time, and it’s believed the little girl will come from Mexico.

This happy news makes many people wonder if the Jolie-Pitts adding some Latin American diversity to their brood will end the business of bigotry toward Mexicans in states like Arizona and across the rest of the country.

Governor Jan Brewer already suffered a setback to her controversial anti-immigration law this week when the United States Court of Appeals upheld a trial judge’s ruling against the most evil parts of Arizona's law (including flagrant racial profiling), and now her staffers believe this news of Jolie’s intention to adopt a Mexican will hit her very hard indeed. 

Speaking on condition of anonymity, an insider at the State House told us, “Angelina may have gotten passed over for that new ‘Tomb Raider’ movie, but Americans still find her real life actions to be heroic, and anything she does is considered exemplary behavior since she stopped wearing vials of blood and Frenching her brother.  I read they plan to announce the adoption at that Cannes Film Festival and I fully expect the Governor’s head to explode at the news shortly thereafter.  Ironically, it will probably be a Mexican janitor who gets stuck cleaning up the brain matter all over her office. Then I guess everybody in America will want to start adopting Mexican babies to be cool and Arizona will just have to go back to hating blacks again.”

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