Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Young Environmentalists Descend on Washington

Buzz off, bitch!
So I didn’t see anyone from the Tea Party yesterday, despite a succession of nonsensical emails from the whack-a-doodles. The day started with this bee in my face and I should have taken it as sign that I would be as angry as he was after realizing I hauled my ass to DC two days in a row and those fair weather protestors didn’t show up. I checked all of the usual places – the White House, Freedom Plaza, the Capitol Hill – and not a single piece of camouflage or a “Don’t Tread on Me” logo in sight. I’m starting to think that now that they have some representation in office they believe they can just stay home on the sofa and not fire up the Hoveround.

I started out in Lafayette Park because the tax revolters said they were going to be around the White House and I was also looking for the people from U.S. Uncut , who if they were there at the time they said they would be, did not make themselves known.  (Just like at their "Rave" on Friday.  WTF???)

Students started to show up in large numbers wearing green hardhats for a protest against our dirty energy policies - blowing mountain tops off (Rand Paul’s favorite spectator sport), fracking, and more. Why the yougin’s chose tax day instead of Earth Day is a total mystery to me, but they had a good number of attendees* and were MUCH more organized than some groups I’ve seen** descend on the Mall.

There were a number of different organizations represented including: Power Shift,  Chamber.350.org. Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, Peaceful Uprising, and Common Cause.  Who would have thought the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was donating to PACs of candidates that are climate change deniers? I didn’t, I’m sorry to say. But Chamber.350.org filled me in. And here I thought the Chamber of Commerce’s sole purpose was to sell one’s business name to their members to make non-stop, intrusive sales calls on!

You can click to see my slide-show from the students’ protest here. Well done, kids!

*NOT the THOUSANDS that you have read about in some sensationalistic on-line publications, but there were probably 300+ marching up to the Hill.

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