Sunday, May 29, 2011

Photographing a Drag Queen is Like Photographing a Butterfly

They never stop moving! 

This is the famous "Sushi" of New Year's Eve on CNN in Key West fame.  I'd never really gotten a good look at her on TV so I didn't immediately recognize her.  It was a nice surprise.  Not so nice a surprise was finding out that they (the Queens) didn't know who Blaze Starr was, and one of them was even from Baltimore!  I know Blaze was a stripper, but she worked in burlesque, which I don't think they could deny begat drag.  IMO.  Anyway, their mistake for asking me where I was from.   And you KNOW they know who Gypsy Rose Lee was.  But probably only the Stephen Sondheim version.

Fun evening with the Girls* of 801!  I hadn't been covered with that much glitter since the early 80s.

(*They could work on their production values some if they want to increase their tips though.  Hey, I used to be a performer too, so I can say shit like that.)

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