Monday, June 6, 2011

Yes, This is a REAL Rick Santorum Photo

Is she praying for a way out of her family?

Special thanks to Scooter for pointing this out.

Yes, Rick Santorum (Google him here) has entered the 2012 GOP presidential race.  He's been out of office for a while, but I distinctly remember prank phone calling my Republican dad over his only option after moving to Pennsylvania to vote for Senate being to support Rick (because he, dad, doesn't read newspapers - too inky!?!).   It's kind of a sketchy morning with lack of sleep, etc., but without research, I'm guessing Rick hates gays, loves unborn babies and Jesus, and has plans to screw the poor.  More about that later.  This picture screams for a Buzzfeed meme treatment!

1 comments so far :

Everyone said...

Is that the dead baby from "The Other" in that girl's hands? Because I would vote for it before I would vote for Frothy the Buttho' man

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