New York – Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon has upset the LGBT community with recent comments about her making a decision to pursue a gay lifestyle with partner Christine Marinoni as if biology is not involved. She told the New York Times, “Why can’t it be a choice? Why is that any less legitimate? It seems we’re just ceding this point to bigots who are demanding it, and I don’t think that they should define the terms of the debate.”
Unsolicited Drivel checked in with a local bigot for an opinion on the controversy who told us, “It is a choice and that sure as hell explains why her character couldn’t get along with any of them men folk on that HBO show. Art imitain’ life and all. And I still can’t garner why they mostly talked about their hoo-has all day yet never had the clap. Or why the only hot one had no self-esteem and had to tramp around all the time, or why the preppie princess one ever bothered to leave the country club up in suburbia? Or even more confusin' - why an entire show would be built around an incredibly self-centered, vapid imitation of a female who would just as soon French kiss the soles of her $400 dollar shoes than ask her boyfriends any meaningful questions about themselves so they ain’t so likely to dump her soon as they banged her without never having to buy her no dinner? You can't explain that."
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