Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poodle Bob, Look Out! Beck Begins to Bark on Live TV to Thwart Your Efforts!

New York – Comedian Glenn Beck has always been a rabid critic of President Obama, but Wednesday he took it up a notch after the president claimed that none of the stimulus money had been wasted.  Obama celebrated the first anniversary of the $862 billion stimulus package yesterday while pushing for additional spending for job creation.  He stated it’s never easy to build up a federal spending tab.  But we’re guessing it’s still a bit easier on the conscience if it's to be spent on bringing the economy back from life support, education and job creation, as opposed to a 7-year willy-nilly-killy spending spree to search for weapons of mass deception. Beck concedes that the odds are some of the money has been misspent, but offered no proof of his theory when he could more easily provide interpretive vocalization to distract the viewers. As sort of an addendum to John Stewart’s theory that “The blogs must be crazy,” the one we found this story on* has reported that Beck barked like a dog on this particular show.  As Beck already has a captive audience, that leaves us with our one and only conclusion: Glenn Beck has taken his head out of his (hemorrhoid-free) ass long enough to find out about Bob the Wonder Poodle with the tinfoil hat on Facebook and now he’s hell bent on stealing Bob’s fans! We CANNOT have that.  While we believe that there is no way that Glenn can surpass the popularity of a canine that is immune to mind control and/or electromagnetic fields in a real reality, he has the Fox Noise alternate reality PR machine behind him.  Bob rules and Glenn's a fool. Facebook friends, let’s prove that theory right! 

*C'mon.  We'll watch a lot of crap so you don't have to, but Glenn Beck?  At least with O'Reilly we could tune in long enough to imagine how hard it is for him to keep a straight face on camera with the next sexual harassment suit looming over his bony head.

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