Thursday, June 24, 2010

Angie Should Be Worried!

Reports are surfacing that man-stealing mother of multiples, Angelina Jolie, has put out a serious warning to boyfriend Brad Pitt’s ex Jennifer Aniston to stay away from her kids or else!*

Angie told a pal that she believes that Aniston, who is still America’s sweetheart when there’s not a scandalous story on any given day involving Sandra Bullock, is getting way too friendly with her ex-husband Brad. As Brad often gets stuck babysitting while Angelina is on set creating rumors of her next affair, she worries that Jen could be spending time with her brood.

If tabloid rumors are to be believed, Jolie’s concerns are well warranted indeed.

*Or else she’ll strap her to a chair and force her to listen to Jon Voight’s bat shit crazy political rhetoric.

1 comments so far :

Maddox said...

Noooo! I don't want to eat Cobb salad every day. My mommy feed me Cheetos!

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