Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Barack Obama Needs More Cowbell

The Today Show’s Matt Lauer, an interviewer who has all of the potential to incite ire as perhaps, puppies and kitties, seemed visibly disappointed this morning when President Obama failed to provide enough “cowbell” (so to speak) during an interview over the Gulf Oil Disaster™.  Lauer clearly had a fever that only could be cured by seeing Obama become enraged, but he’ll just have to keep on suffering.

Nevertheless, Obama reminded Lauer that he had been closely involved with the Gulf Coast fisherman meeting with them in the rain (even if Carville didn’t notice) and talking with scientific experts not because he likes to hang out with stiff academics, but because he wants to know whose ASS to kick.  We can only hope he will replace his holey loafers with steel toe boots first.

When Lauer asked Obama if he had met BP CEO Tony Hayward in person to tell him off, Obama offered that no he had not and Lauer seemed to visibly deflate on the air once again.  Obama offered, “don’t you think if I meet him in person that he’s only going to tell me exactly I want to hear?”

Obama also told Lauer "I was down there a month ago before most of the talking heads in the media and on cable TV were even paying attention to the Gulf.  This is real life for Americans, NOT the theater.  And speaking of that, have you seen Keith Olbermann try and narrate James Thurber on the air?  (Lauer nodded in recognition.) I rest my case.”

Here's an extra-added case of "more cowbell" needed:

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