Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daniel Thought Justin Was A Chick!

Does Harry Potter need a new pair of glasses?  No, Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t wear them in real life.  But that didn’t keep him from thinking that pop sensation Justine Bieber was a girl.

Radcliffe admitted to MTV News that as he’s been working non-stop since he was out of diapers because author J.K. Rowling still needs more money than the entire royal family combined, he’s kind of “out of the loop” when it comes to pop culture.

His confusion confirmed this.  After hearing Bieber sing on the radio, he said, “I thought that Justine sounded like a lovely little lassie.  Not my kind of music, I prefer pan flute, but she really has a lovely voice.”

Once Bieber’s testicles finally drop and he does start singing like a dude, it will be less confusing if Daniel doesn’t have a telly.  However,  it would be still confusing if Daniel gets the Internet in his flat where he can surf the web and find a news story with a picture of a girl that looks like this:

1 comments so far :

Pete O'Fiel said...

So he's a boy, eh. That IS interesting.

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