Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oil Spill Got You Down? This'll Raise Your Spirit

Spirit Airlines, who invented the pay-for-your-carry-on-bags scheme now used in most airlines, has decided that they aren't hated enough. So they've come out with a new ad campaign that takes advantage of the Gulf Oil Spill. The ad features a beautiful woman rubbing oil on her body with the tagline "Check Out the Oil on Our Beaches" thus combining eco-disconnectedness AND sexism all in one single ad campaign.

Other ad campaigns the company considered: "Reserve now to take advantage of our 'oily bird' prices!," 'Turtle Soup has never been cheaper," and "You must fly down to see if it's brown." Gulf coast residents are said to be enraged by the campaign, while we ran out of the room because Joe Barton was starting to open his lips to say something.

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