Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You’re My Only Hope

Ever wake up in the morning feeling the only way you will be able to get through the day is pretend you’re Princess Leia Organa in the hope that you can receive guidance and strength from a wise old sage in the form of a Jedi night?  Well, it ain’t going to happen, so there’s no good reason to wear this hat.  The movie was 34 freaking years ago, so just settle for another episode of "Oprah." 

The only suitable occasion to justify a gal wearing this wool Leia hair hat would have to be a costume party in Iceland. She could get away with it too because everybody there is  allegedly so drunk that they’d never even notice. How else to can we explain Bjork?  And speaking drunk, being Leia didn’t work out so well for another wise sage, Carrie Fisher.  The title of her latest book and one-woman show, “Wishful Drinking” should be a good clue.

1 comments so far :

Ham Sandwich said...

I've got a bad feeling about this.

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