Monday, January 24, 2011

One Fan Will NOT Be Watching Oprah Today

Chicago – Talk show titan Oprah Winfrey revealed on her Friday show that on Monday, she would be revealing a secret to her audience that “rocked her to her core,” but one fan won’t be watching this afternoon.

Long-time viewer Karen Blankman told Unsolicited Drivel, “the secret got leaked this morning and it turns out it’s just that Oprah has a half sister, Patricia.  It's the second sibling named Patricia, too.  I guess her mom didn't have one of those baby naming books.  Anyway,  I spent all weekend thinking that we were going to find out that Oprah's baby she thought died when she was fourteen had really survived and was kidnapped by a nurse in the hospital because they knew Oprah was already an overachiever, and the kids they had at home were incredibly lazy.  What's so 'core-rocking' about  a half sister?  My traveling salesman dad was a complete such a complete prick that I probably have half sisters all across Europe and Asia.  Like I care about somebody who just found out they are related to a billionaire when I’m sitting here eating a microwave burrito for lunch?  And Oprah’s been known to pay her relatives to stay away, so that Patricia chick totally won the genetic lottery.  Bitch.”

1 comments so far :

Narsy said...

Narcissus here, just wanna say, I took lessons from her. Really felt like a grasshoppa, ya no whut I mean?

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