Lakewood, CO – Less than 24 hours after President Obama announced his successful command to take out terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, woman of no real consequence*, Sarah Palin, made it clear to American that she’s okay with her ignorant bitch persona.
Palin spoke to a captive Colorado audience echoing her ghostwritten Twitter and Facebook posts of the evening before by stating:
“Troops, troops, troops, troops, God, freedom isn’t free, troops, troops, troops, volunteers, brave young service men and women volunteers, God, God, God, troops, troops, troops, and the great 'n mighty, all-powerful George W. Bush.”
Unsolicited Drivel caught up with one audience member from Colorado Christian University where the confusing speech took place for comment. He told us, “I didn’t get it either. As much as I appreciate the sacrifices the troops make on our behalf and their bravery, I thought they took orders from the Commander in Chief, President Obama. Clearly, Mrs. Palin has no qualms about appearing as a complete and total bitch that was forced to choke down sour grapes for breakfast because her party didn't take out bin Laden like it promised to. I would not feel comfortable supporting any candidate who cannot give proper credit for good leadership when credit is due. Also, George W. Bush never even got around to invading Pakistan** during his presidency, and as bin Laden was likely hiding there the entire time, it’s also likely he would have remained more of a phantom menace than the WMDs in Iraq were Bush’s cronies still in office.”
*C'mon. Let's be real. You could probably fit the population of Wasilla in your back yard for a BBQ and she was "Quitter in Chief" as Governor of Alaska.
**Halliburton probably didn't have contracts there.
1 comments so far :
On the positive side, that's the most coherent quote I've ever read by her!
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