Friday, April 30, 2010

Prim Kim Insists She Doesn’t Stink

The National Enquirer is reporting that celebutante Kim Kardashian “caused a big stink” when she recently boarded a plane at LAX.  The tabloid is claiming that Kim came on the plane with a burrito as her only luggage that was such an olfactory nightmare that it caused other passengers to want to run for the border – the Canadian border.  They report the passengers insisted the cabin on the plane stunk probably even worse than a movie production trailer assigned to Matthew McConaughey.

Kim claims the story is entirely untrue.  In an initial posting to her blog (later revised), she wrote:

You guys are not going to believe this story I found in the Enquirer.  It’s like, totally the funniest story ever! It baffles my mind that the tabloids come up with this stuff.  They claim I totally stunk up a plane with a burrito and I don’t EVER eat beans.  My ass is enough of a source of fascination as it is.  Besides, everyone knows I only eat Quick Trim and I also try to restrict my “stinking up” activities to the “E” channel.


2 comments so far :

Ed Turd said...

We at Skankwatch are proud to say we can confirm it was not a burrito, it was a gordita. Ay Caramba!

Zeppo Kardashian said...

Leave my sistah alone!!

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