Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is Just Wrong On So Many Levels

Slow news day. I don’t give a crap about which countries Obama plans to not nuke, when I can watch a meltdown like this.  Before I had this blog, I didn’t really watch much of this type of stuff on TV.  Last spring, I became infuriated when a reality star whose show I didn’t even know existed, infiltrated my gray matter.  That star, of course, was Kate Gosselin.  I became increasingly furious when I realized that I suddenly knew everything about her life without ever watching her show, or giving a rats ass about her invitro-wonder-spawn, and I also became increasingly convinced that nothing she does is in the best interest of anyone but herself.  So!  Why am I not enjoying this more?  And here, I thought I was a schadenfreude junkie!  I can’t dance either, but her mistake was letting the whole world know, as she couldn’t sidestep her ego.  Kate, dahlink, could you please tell Bruno to F*&k Off! already, so I can back to using my favorite catch phrase (“Moo, hoo, ha, ha!”) with relish??

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