Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gov Has No Love for Ethnic History

Phoenix - Daughter of a bigoted bitch!  We’re never going to make it to see the supposedly spiritual experience that is the Red Rocks of Sedona now!  First the idea of John Tesh having played a concert there kept us away in the 90s (the 2000s were a blur) and now they want to rewrite history because the entitled dolts feel like it.  And where the eff is Arizona native David Spade when we need him to totally make fun of these ignorant troglodytes??

Poster-child for insufficient SPF sunscreen, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, signed a bill yesterday putting their schools' ethnic studies programs in the line of fire. State schools chief Tom Horne, who has pushed the bill for years, believes that the Tucson school district’s curriculum of the TRUTH teaches Latino students that they have been repressed by the white people. "It's just like the old South, and it's long past time that we prohibited it." Horne said.

Uh, does that mean that African Americans were not victims of repression either?  Or the Jews, or the Irish or the Italians? And on a related topic, how soon can we fit Tom Horne and Jan Brewer for leg-irons and when will they start cleaning their own pools?

Horne is a Republican running for attorney general, and he believes educational programs that promote ethnic solidarity and a sense of self-worth might lead to big trouble – primarily in the form of empty polling booths.

1 comments so far :

Whitey said...

Tell Brewer to get her Schnitzel-licking Kraut ass outa Arizona, we don't need her kind around

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