Punch like an Egyptian? |
This report of the silver fox of cable news being beaten regularly like a gong has left many Americans asking, “WTF?” Comments being made by people on company time that rail against the violent Egyptians are spewing forth on social networking sites like wildfire.
We asked our media analyst for comment on Cooper’s clobbering. He told us:
“I know. It’s completely senseless. If the Egyptian people only knew how many broadcasters we have masquerading as journalists here in the U.S. that deserve to be beaten within an inch of their lives, they would never have laid a hand on Anderson. Don’t they realize he’s one of the very few correspondents that we’ve got who doesn’t seem to have to fake his emoting during reports? I guess they must not be fans of CNN over there. If they tuned in now and saw Piers Morgan, they never would be. Anyway, Katie Couric should be there by now and even though she’s fresh from vacation, it will still be tough for her to run away from pro-Mubarak supporters in 5 inch heels through sand, so hopefully Andy will catch a break.”
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