It only seemed like a bad dream, but it really was ANOTHER Republican debate last night. At some point during the nightmare after Mitt Romney finished pretending to have no knowledge that he ran a Gingrich attack ad where he labeled Spanish “the language of the ghetto” (and also that of half his immediate family) he began to pretend to have no knowledge of what he’s paying his 13.9% income tax on. After being accused of investing in Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac, the same evil corporate one time employers of his nemesis Newt Gingrich, Romney began to scramble to do damage control by insisting the money was in “blind” trusts.
We did a little digging and it seems that Mitt IS totally clueless about what he invests his money in. He would probably be shocked to know that he actually has investments in:
- Freddie Mae
- Freddie Mac
- An organization that provides support groups for guys that don’t get why people think they are flaming a-holes when they leave their deathly ill wives for hotter, younger chicks
- An organization that provides training for hot chicks to become divorced from reality in order to bang ugly, older corrupt guys for Tiffany trinkets
- Reality TV star chain of rehab centers
- The Gingrich Group
- The company that makes Ron Paul’s eyebrow toupees and Rand Paul’s regular toupee
- Godfather Pizza
- Anti-Gay Groups
- Anti-Straight Groups
- Anti-Mormon Groups
- The Mormon Church
- The production of “The Book of Mormon"
- And most importantly – an organization founded to protect the right hand from any knowledge whatsoever of what the left hand is ever doing
2 comments so far :
I found your post to be very interesting and informative. It seems as if Mitt is anti everything, except for the Mormon Church and millionaires.
He would vote against himself if he thought it would gain him anything. What a fake!!! Fun article..
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